Transferring as Honors Certified
All Honors courses counting toward Honors Program completion must be graded (Pass/No Pass is not allowed).
Up to six units of Honors coursework may be taken at Cypress College or, by petition, at other HTCC California Community Colleges.
Students must complete certification application forms in Canvas to be Honors Certified.
Certification forms are available in November on the Honors Canvas page. You must turn in your form via an “assignment” submission on Canvas between November and early February for spring graduation/transfer certification.
Should you need to file for certification for a fall graduation/winter or spring transfer, please contact the Honors office for instructions and procedures.

Applying for Honors Certification
All qualified students must apply for Honors Certification.
Certification forms are available in November on the Honors Canvas page. You must turn in your form via an “assignment” submission on Canvas between November and early February for spring graduation/transfer certification.
Should you need to file for certification for a fall graduation/winter or spring transfer, please contact the Honors office for instructions and procedures.
Students who complete the Honors Program receive not only the Certificate but also special transcript notation, “Honors Certified [Sem/Yr].”
In addition to the specific transfer benefits offered by UCLA TAP and UC Irvine Honors to Honors, our Honors Certified Students are eligible for the the HTCC Transfer Agreements: Honors Transfer Council of California | Transfer Partners
Transfer institution contract benefits vary among schools but may include:
- Guaranteed or priority transfer to the institution
- Guaranteed or priority entry into the student’s major
- Priority registration into other courses
- Scholarships
- Financial aid
- Housing
- Acceptance into the institutional Honors Program
Standard Honors Certification
Complete at least 15 units of Honors coursework with a “C” or better and an overall GPA of 3.4+ and apply for Honors Certification in the winter/spring before you transfer.
Certification forms are available in Canvas.
STEM Track Honors Certification
An overall GPA of 3.4+ and complete at least 9* units of Honors coursework and 6 units of high-level STEM non-honors coursework with a “C” or better, attend at least two extracurricular STEM-related events, and provide documentation of one high impact STEM learning experience.
*Only 3 units will be accepted from other community college honors programs for STEM Certification.
Apply for certification in the winter/spring before you transfer. Certification forms are available in Canvas.
List two extracurricular STEM-related events that you attended
(Attach documentation: Ex. Flyer/website link from event)
High Impact Learning Experience
Indicate completion of ONE of the following High Impact Learning Experiences.
Please provide proof of attendance/reflective paper when required.
- 30 hours of Service Learning with a paper
- Two Academic Conference Presentations
- One Publication in an Academic Journal or Collection of Abstracts
- 30+ Internship hours in your field with summary
- Other relevant career or major specific experience with summary (*Follow up with STEM Counselor,, if selecting this option.)
- STEM Non-Honors Coursework Acceptable for Certification:
In addition to the 9 Honors units required, a minimum of 6 high-level STEM units (non-honors) are required to be completed with a “C or better” grade. Below is the list of acceptable coursework to be completed at Fullerton College. - Anatomy 231F, 240F
- Biology: 170, 272, 274, 276
- Chemistry: 111AF, 111BF, 211AF, 211BF, 201
- CSCI: 123, 133, 223
- Physics: 205,206, 210, 211, 221, 222, 223
- Mathematics: 151, 152, 251, 252
- Microbiology 262
- *If you took other STEM Courses not on this list, please follow up with an Honors Counselor for verification that they can be used towards your Honors STEM Certification.
UCLA TAP Honors Certified
“The UCLA Transfer Alliance Program allows you to enhance your ability to transfer to UCLA at the junior level from a participating California community college. Students are certified by the honors program counselor/coordinator after completing the honors or scholars program at a participating community college. Applicants are given priority consideration for admission to majors in the College, as well as the Public Affairs and Education and Social Transformation majors at UCLA.” UCLA Transfer Alliance Program | UCLA Undergraduate Admission
If you will meet the transfer requirements to be UCLA TAP Honors Certified by the end of spring, you will apply to UCLA for transfer by November 30 with your first-choice major and an alternate major. Please check the UCLA Transfer Alliance Program | UCLA Undergraduate Admission website for details and restricted alternatemajors.
UCLA TAP Certification forms are available in November on the Honors Canvas page. You must turn in your form via an “assignment” submission on Canvas between November and early February for spring graduation/transfer certification.
UCI Honors to Honors
UCI’s Honors to Honors program is a special transfer agreement available to students on track to complete the Fullerton College Honors Program in good standing and with an overall transferable GPA of 3.7 or above. Eligible students will receive early admission to UCI, guaranteed admission to the UCI Campuswide Honors Collegium, and priority consideration for a special set of merit-based scholarships. Other benefits include guaranteed housing (if housing application submitted by UCI deadline) and individual advising.
For Transfer Students | Campuswide Honors Collegium (
UCI Honors to Honors Certification forms are available in November on the Honors Canvas page. You must turn in your form via an “assignment” submission on Canvas between November and early February for spring graduation/transfer certification.