Honors Courses
The Honors Program offers a variety of courses that meet most General Education pattern requirements, including Fullerton College GE, Cal State GE, and IGETC. Many courses also fulfill both GE as well as major-specific requirements for transfer.
Benefits of the Honors Program:
Smaller classes, dedicated faculty, campus leadership roles, high-impact learning, research opportunities, high rates of transfer to universities, membership in honor societies, and scholarship opportunities.
Honors Transfer Council of California Transfer Partnerships
- Students completing our honors program as “honors certified” enjoy enhanced transfer consideration:
- Priority acceptance consideration, special scholarships, housing priority and a range of other academic and social benefits such as library privileges even before transfer.
Honors Coursework
- Seminar style classes
- Deeper Discovery
- Student Presentations
- Research Papers
- Embedded Library Instruction
- Project Based Learning
- Poster Presentations
- Conference Applications
Honors Certification (completing the program)
- Complete at least 15 Honors units.
- Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.40 in honors and non-honors sections
Honors STEM Track Certification (completing the program)
- Complete at least 9 Honors units.
- Complete at least 6 units of approved STEM coursework
- Complete Extra STEM Activities
- Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.40 in honors and non-honors sections
Academic Conferences for Student Presentations
- UC, Irvine Honors Transfer Council of California
- Western Regional Honors Council
- Bay Area Consortium
- National Collegiate Honors Council
- Pacific Coast Undergraduate Mathematics Conference
- Discipline Specific Conferences
Check Out What We’re Offering!
List of Honors Courses
Not all are offered every semester
ANTH 101H Honors Biological Anthropology
ANTH 102H Honors Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 107H Honors Anthropology of Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion
ARTH 155H Honors Western Art History 15th to 21st Century (formerly ART 113H)
ARTH 165H Honors Creative Arts (Same as MUS 165H and THEA 165H)
BIO 101H Honors General Biology
ECON 101H Honors Principles of Economics – Micro
ECON 102H Honors Principles of Economics – Macro
ENGL 100H Honors College Writing
ENGL 103H Honors Critical Reasoning and Writing
ENGL 243H Honors Folklore and Mythology
ESC 130H Honors Introduction to Oceanography
ETHS 101H Honors American Ethnic Studies
ETHS 111H Honors Women of Color in the United States
ETHS 153H Honors Chicana/o and Latina/o Contemporary Issues
ETHS 235H Honors Contemporary Social Justice Movements
GEOG 100H Honors World Geography: A Regional Study
GEOG 102H Honors Physical Geography
HIST 110H Honors Western Civilization (Prehistoric to 16th Century)
HIST 111H Honors Western Civilization (17th Century to Present)
HIST 112H Honors World Civilizations I
HIST 113H Honors World Civilization II
HIST 170H Honors History of the U.S. to 1877
HIST 171H Honors History of the U.S. since 1877
LIB 100H Honors Introduction to Research
MATH 120H Honors Introductory Probability & Statistics
MATH 141H Honors College Algebra
MATH 151H Honors Calculus I
MATH 152H Honors Calculus II
MATH 290/291/295H Honors Mathematics Seminars
MUS 165H Honors Creative Arts (Same as ART165H and THEA 165H)
NUTR 210H Honors Human Nutrition
PHIL 100H Honors Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 105H Honors World Religions
POSC 100H Honors American Government
POSC 110H Honors Contemporary Issues in American Politics
POSC 180H Honors Capital Field Trip: Sacramento
PSYC 101H Honors General Psychology
PSYC 251H Honors Social Psychology
SOC 101H Honors Introduction to Sociology
SOC 275H Honors Marriage and Family
THEA 165H Honors Creative Arts (Same as ART 165H & MUS 165H)
Honors Courses Available in Previous Semesters
Fall 2024

Spring 2023
Anth 101
Anth 102
Anth 107
Arth 155
Arth 165
Biol 101
Engl 103
Eths 235
Lib 100
Math 153
Math 290
Math 291
Math 295
Nutr 210
Phil 100
Phil 105
Posc 100
Posc 110
Posc 180
Soc 101
Thea 165
Spring 2024